Not so long I dropped a post on how to get ovet 40GB free data on mtn, but a lot of people complained that it wasn't working for then, and some also couldn't tweak imei, so they were just left out.
For those of you who were left out, you can use this one from airtel to keep the body and soul together, it's free.


  • A Phone
  • An Airtel Sim
  • And your hands to type the code,... Lol :)
This post has nothing to do with tweaking og imei, I know tweaking of IMEI scares a lot of people from gettig free data's.


Somply dail *123*123# and you will get a message just like the below screenshot with your 300MB bundle waiting for you.
Drop your Testimonies... Hope it worked for you?

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Larry Frank

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I'm A Nigerian based blogger, with the passion to tech people my techie findings

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  1. how do u tweak ur imei number, and what could go wrong by doing so?

